Martin in Hackensack, N.J.: Any word on who will be in charge while House is in the mental institution?
Executive producer David Shore tells us, "We are going to have some fun with who is going to be running the diagnostics department. We're not bringing in anyone new right now, so it's going to be somebody you know."
Andy in Long Beach, Calif.: What's the Huddy scoop for the next season of House?
We asked Lisa Edelstein if she'd be visiting House in the mental hospital, to which she replied, "I hope so, unless he doesn't want to see her." When it comes down to it, she is rooting for Huddy to be together, but not in the way you'd expect. Says Edelstein, "I love that storyline, but not together together. I just like the torture of it all." And for you Hameron fans, Lisa sets the record straight on if she wants to see House with Cameron? "No! Are you kidding?"
Aaron in Rancho Bernardo, Calif.: Any good news for fans of Foreteen on House?
Not likely. As Omar Epps explains, trouble at work may equal trouble for Foreteen. Says Epps, "Knowing the rhythm of our show, [their relationship] is going to progress into a brick wall."
Psh, I don't care what Lisa wants or thinks.
Oh and now I'm trying to figure out who's going to be running the dept. Maybe Foreman or hmm to shake things up, Cameron?