Is there anything the writers tend to overuse in House, MD?  Besides illnesses I mean (sarcoidosis, paraneoplastic syndrome, lupus being the big three).  I think they used the "I left them in my other pants" line twice.  I think I remember a few others, but it's late and I'm sleep deprived.

The one I'm really thinking of is patient names.  We've had probably a dozen Jeffs -- the dad from Cursed, the patient in Cycling Spin (dammit I'm tired), the virgin-baby's dad from Joy to the World... to name a few.  It seems to me like their goto name.  Also, the couple who both want to cut back on sex (forget the episode)'s woman was named Ramona, and Eugene Shwartz from BSN's wife's name was Mona.

Anything else the writers seem to recycle?

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