Membership to [info]house_ipod is open to all who want to join for the next week!

Are you a new fan who balks at the $50 price tag on each season's DVD set? Is there an episode you really want to see but don't expect to see a rerun of any time soon? Can't decide how to fill the time between the seasons? I suggest you go to [info]house_ipod and grab any episodes! Every episode that has aired is available in .mp4 format so you can load it onto your iPod and watch wherever, whenever you want!

New episodes post approximately 12 hours after airing on the East Coast, so you'll be able to snag the Season 5 finale Tuesday morning. And don't forget that Season 6 starts in September! All those episodes will be in [info]house_ipod, too =)

Just go to [info]house_ipod, click "join this community" and you're in!

(yes, I know this is the worst advertisment ever - exactly why I am not in advertising)

@темы: жж