Hi, all! Just wanted to let you know about a new comm I've started:


I'm posting high-definition (1278x720) House screencaps which do not have network logos in the corner. All images are in an online gallery which can be browsed, searched, and sorted for finding just the right image quickly, or you can download every single screencap from the episode in a series of .zip files.

"Here Kitty" (5x18) is now online, so come download all 1,041 screencaps or browse through the image gallery. More episodes will follow in a random order, so please feel free to watch/join to keep an eye on what shows up next!

If you like House screencaps, I hope you'll enjoy this comm. Thanks!

Previews of full-sized HD images from "Here Kitty":
Preview 1   Preview 2   Preview 3

(This announcement posted with permission.)

@темы: жж