I have a question (as usual) and it may sound stupid but I'm going to as it anyway...
I don't know if everyone has already seen Season 5 so I'm going to put it under a cut
Season 5 of House has only just started where I am and I was watching Adverse Events when I saw Cuddy flirting with that PI guy at the cafe. Anyway he had a picture of House as a cheerleader when he was in college or maybe Med School I can't remember exactly.
When he showed the picture of House all dressed up to Cuddy, she didn't seem surprised by it, and even though she led Lucas to believe she thought it was a digitally enhanced or created pic, she didn't seem so convinced it was a fake.
Then at the end of the eppie, where House comes to his apartment and finds Lucas there, playing his piano and proceeds to tell House that the pic actually was not a fake... I think House replied that there was once a girl he did that for or something like that. I'm not too precise on the wording.
The question is... did House do it for Cuddy?
because she didn't seem surprised and he wasn't that embarassed that Lucas actually showed it to Cuddy. I mean if it were anyone else House would've been planning a massive revenge plot or something. I don't know I think my brain is overworked...
Now I am off to write a new House Fic.