Cuddy: He has Streptobacillosis.
Cameron: Rat bite fever.
House: Boogy, oggy, oogy.
Cuddy: It fits the symptoms perfectly.
House: It’s certainly one possibility. What about the aspergillus fungus we found under the sink?
[Cuddy picks up the x-ray.]
Cuddy: What sink?
[House dumps a tissue in the garbage.]
House: You ought to clean your bathroom better.
Cuddy: You broke into my house?
House: No, that would be wrong. I had a key.
Cuddy: You had no right to invade my privacy. There was no medical reason for that whatsoever. And there was certainly no moral reason for it.
[She looks at the x-ray as she’s talking and notices something.]
Cuddy: Oh damn. You’re right. The focal consolidation makes fungal pneumonia far more likely.
House: You’re right I’m right. On the bright side, it has the advantage of keeping you totally responsible.
Cameron: The treatment for aspergillus is amphotericin. That’s hugely dangerous.
Cuddy: Yeah. Your point being?
House: Going the dangerous and aggressive route didn’t work last time. It’s bound to work this time. Start him on the amphotericin.
Humpty Dumpty, S2