Title: Cat's in the Cradle
Artist: Harry Chapin
Fandom: House/Sherlock/Fortysomething
Summary: In the beginning, there was Sherlock Holmes. And Holmes brought forth the brilliant doctor House, embodied by the lovely Hugh Laurie. Who prior to that in Fortysomething played a slightly less brilliant doctor, Paul Slippery, who begat three sons, the eldest of which was played by the equally-lovely-if-somewhat-peculiarly-named Benedict Cumberbatch. Who of course grew up to play Sherlock. And the Universe looked upon its work and pronounced it good. And then my head exploded.
Possible spoilers for: House to S7, Sherlock including S2, all of Fortysomething
Thanks: to [info]evila_elf for repeated previewing and to my f-list for being awesome.
Notes: My first multifandom vid. I actually started this before news of House's cancellation broke, but in a way it seems a fitting tribute to two - really three, if you include the original canon - of my most influential fandoms, past, present and future. I love Sherlock for many of the same reasons I love House, so the father and son connection was irresistible. And in some sheltered corner of my brain, entirely divorced from reality, I almost... kind of... believe it *g*

direct youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXpyCa9IcEM (blocked in Australia and NZ)
alternative vimeo direct link: http://vimeo.com/37043737
embedded: at my journal

Comments/feedback much appreciated :)

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