As outlined in the community info, the Whiteboard for your respective area is where all your random, squeeish thoughts are to be posted as the episode plays. As always, please respect your fellow House fans and keep any future spoilers very vague, if you mention anything at all. Some fans like to remain spoiler-free. Thanks!
In addition, please refrain from posting episode reactions to anything but the Whiteboard for the three hour block of time between the eastern and pacific airings. If you make a post about the episode in your personal journal, link to it in a reply to this Whiteboard, and I will add the link to this entry.
Man, we're at season 7 already? Alrighty! *waves* I admit I'm still an addict and still need my weekly Whiteboard fix. Just want to throw out there that I can update with the Whiteboards for at least the next month. Not sure about after that since I'll be on the West coast in November for a month (yay vacation!) but someone can always pick up after that if they'd like. (Hope I did this right.. yikes.)