We currently have positions open for: Cameron, Foreman, Kutner, Taub, and Thirteen. Original characters are also welcome to apply. There is an option to reserve characters, but as of right now, we are accepting any and all applications, regardless of reserve status. If more than one player applies for the same character, we'll judge which application is best.
A House, M.D. RPG
Head Trauma is a House, M.D. roleplay that branches off from the end of the Season Four finale: House’s Head. Amber has survived the bus crash, and House still struggles with the aftereffects of his head injury. The game itself begins around July of 2006.
A House, M.D. RPG
Head Trauma is a House, M.D. roleplay that branches off from the end of the Season Four finale: House’s Head. Amber has survived the bus crash, and House still struggles with the aftereffects of his head injury. The game itself begins around July of 2006.