Question: As much as I loved your all-House Ask Ausiello, I have to admit I was just a tiny bit disappointed that we didn't get even a little Huddy-related scooplet. In honor of my birthday next Tuesday, give me something about the May 4 episode. --Megan

Ausiello: Okay, but I expect you to reciprocate when my b-day rolls around next February. And sending me a greeting via Facebook or Twitter doesn't count. In Monday's ep, House suspects his drug habit is fueling his Amber hallucinations, so he decides to quit Vicodin cold turkey. Cuddy comes to his apartment to personally empty out his medicine cabinet, a struggle ensues, and, before you know it, they're both wrestling on the bathroom floor and ... well ... roll the clip.

Man, they love to bring up House stopping his Vicodin intake every once in awhile. As for Huddy, just no.

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