Cuddy: She's 38 weeks. You think it's fifth disease?
Becca: What's that?
Cuddy: It's a viral infection. It can infect the fetus.
Cameron: Usually in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, and in women who have trouble with their immune system.
Cuddy: History of drug use could've compromised her immune system.
Becca: I told you I haven't used anything in seven months.
Cameron: It does look more like a heat rash to me.
Cuddy: Yes, well, maybe we want to look at the actual blood tests.
Cameron: Of course. [She removes her gloves and walks off.]
Becca: She works for you?
Cuddy: Yeah.
Becca: Everybody here works for you.
Cuddy: [nods slightly] When this happens for real, are you okay to deliver here?
Becca: Yeah, sure.
Cuddy: Good.
Cameron: [returning with the test results] Blood work's normal.
Cuddy: Test it again.
Cameron: Tested it twice. [to Becca] I'll get you some topical cream for that rash.
Cuddy: I'm admitting her.
Cameron: There's nothing wrong with her.
Cuddy: There are dozens of other things this rash could indicate. I want a full fetal work up.
Joy, S5