001-009: Actors
(Lisa Edelstein, Hugh Laurie, Tina Fey, Gillian Anderson)
010-028: Watchmen
029-036: Where the Wild Things Are
037-041: Phoebe in Wonderland
042-143: House/Cuddy quotes
144-146: House 5x09, Last Resort (all Cuddy)
147-168: House 5x22, Saviours (all Chase/Cam)

here @ [info]little_b0xes

Post are public for one week before they are locked. You would then need to join to see this post

@темы: жж

Animation request for episode 5x22
Could anyone make an animation icon from the scene in the morgue where House is trying to put out the fire on the corpse... that made me lol big time. Any still icons would be cool as well.
Thank you

@темы: жж

House icons:
[001 - 034]: Locked in
[035 - 068]: Simple Explanation
[069 - 110]: Saviours


See the rest here

@темы: жж

{01 - 44} - Icons (House Divided)


@темы: жж

house md: varius + 5.21
+ 3 icons from 5.23 promo SPOILER ALERT

@темы: жж

Hey I was wondering if anyone could possible make an animated icon or header (or still but preferably animated) of 13 doing a body shot off the stripper haha...ive searched this community and others but cant find one anywhere!! So if any of you talented people could make one I would appreciate it soooo much!! Ohh and if you dont want to make one could someone atleast tell me where I can find an icon like this?
Thanks so much guys =]

@темы: жж



01-09 Torchwood
10-18 Doctor Who
19-23 Ashes to Ashes
24-32 House (mainly Cameron)
33-39 CSI (GSR)
40-48 Pride & Prejudice
49-54 Billie Piper

here @ [info]squaredmc

@темы: жж

@темы: жж


Enjoy :D

Grey's Anatomy [1-2]
House [3-10]
Chuck [11-16]
Banner Chuck x3

Banner House x1



@темы: жж


♥ 51; HOUSE M.D.

@темы: жж

Вышел новый выпуск журнала Time Out Петербург

Спасибо за сканы jul

@темы: жж

Следующая часть допов к четвертому сезону: актеры и продюсеры "Хауса" рассказывают про свою любимую серию.

Версия с озвучкой:

Бонусы к "Хаусу" 4 сезон: Моя любимая серия... (русская озвучка) from morinen on Vimeo.

читать дальше

@темы: жж

А что случилось с House Medical Reviews?
Не продлена регистрация и теперь все захвачено киберсквотерами?

@темы: жж


[27] Movies – While You Were Sleeping
[48] Lost – spoilers for 5.14
[18] Chuck – 2.21 and 2.22
[24] House – House Divided

x Please comment.
x Please credit.
x Enjoy! :)

more here @ [info]inthe_sunshine

@темы: жж


[16] Amelie
[6] Hugh Laurie
[6] Star Trek (2009)
[6] Young Victoria


here @ [info]forsaken_muse

@темы: жж


25 Merlin icons
8 House Md

Here @ [info]flashland

@темы: жж

I made all of these lately, tell me what do you think (:

читать дальше

@темы: жж

Ok, I have a bunch of icons from 5x22 'A House Divided'. Lightening was a bit dodgy during this episode, but there was so many iconable moments so not gotten through the whole episode yet.

[10] House
[9] Cameron
[4] Wilson
[4] Cameron & Wilson
[2] Amber
[1] Chase
[5] Chase & Foreman
[5] Foreman


читать дальше

Credit rockinrach08 thanks!

@темы: жж


01-70 House (5x21, 5x19)

teaser teaser teaser

Here @ [info]easilyfound

@темы: жж