вторник, 05 мая 2015
воскресенье, 15 марта 2015
Забавно, пока гулял подумал, что доктора Хауса можно было бы, при желании, вернуть назад - да даже снять 9-ый сезон. Придумать ему ОЧЕНЬ важную персону, которая оказалась доктору обязана - и вот Хаус получает на руки документы, новую врачебную лицензию, фактически у него теперь другая биография - Хаус разглядывает в такси свои новые водительские права и читает своё новое имя - Джеймс Мориарти. А как ещё иначе Хаус мог бы помогать умирающему Уилсону - даже лекарств не купить ... И даже вернуть Хауса назад, в Принстон. Ну а в качестве платы за услуги - Хауса обязали бы оказывать консультации по медицинским вопросам.
суббота, 07 марта 2015
понедельник, 02 февраля 2015
понедельник, 05 января 2015
(для тех, кто недавно читает сообщество, герой - не Грегори Хаус)
1. Герой произведения выделяется своей искалеченной ногой и сильно страдает от боли.
По всему произведению разбросано множество упоминаний, где он сильно хромает и глушит боль анальгетиками.
2. Вся жизнь Героя - это разгадки сложных загадок, которые оказались не под силу лучшим специалистам страны. И которые он триумфально разгадывает, проявляя неимоверную работоспособность, память и интуицию.
3. Кроме физических страданий большое место в произведении занимают душевные страдания Героя от патологически болезненных и неудачных любовных отношений.
Герой - убежденный "чайлдфри" с грузом травматических отношений с матерью и отцом.
4. Герой на удивление часто заполучает знаменитых клиентов, работа с которыми позволяет ему зарабатывать славу.
5. Герой очень небрежно относится к деньгам, к бытовым условиям, предпочитая "интересные" дела в ущерб "денежным".
6. У Героя есть верный Друг, который регулярно дает ему неожиданные подсказки (что не входит в его обязанности). Также как и поддерживает его терпением, пониманием и безусловным принятием.
9. Данное произведение (с продолжениями) написано автором, имеющим мировую известность не меньше, чем у Шора с Лори и командой.
10. Автор этого произведения настолько приглянулся Шору, что в одном из сезонов "Хауса" целая серия была посвящена этому Автору, которого Хаус спасает от неминуемой смерти. И хеппи-энд отмечается обещанием, что Автор начнет сериал про нашего Героя.
Подсказка: Автора зовут "Роб" (сокращенно) или что-то вроде этого.
- Как зовут Героя, описанного в условиях?
- В какой серии какого сезона Хаус спасает жизнь Автору?
1. Герой произведения выделяется своей искалеченной ногой и сильно страдает от боли.
По всему произведению разбросано множество упоминаний, где он сильно хромает и глушит боль анальгетиками.
2. Вся жизнь Героя - это разгадки сложных загадок, которые оказались не под силу лучшим специалистам страны. И которые он триумфально разгадывает, проявляя неимоверную работоспособность, память и интуицию.
3. Кроме физических страданий большое место в произведении занимают душевные страдания Героя от патологически болезненных и неудачных любовных отношений.
Герой - убежденный "чайлдфри" с грузом травматических отношений с матерью и отцом.
4. Герой на удивление часто заполучает знаменитых клиентов, работа с которыми позволяет ему зарабатывать славу.
5. Герой очень небрежно относится к деньгам, к бытовым условиям, предпочитая "интересные" дела в ущерб "денежным".
6. У Героя есть верный Друг, который регулярно дает ему неожиданные подсказки (что не входит в его обязанности). Также как и поддерживает его терпением, пониманием и безусловным принятием.
9. Данное произведение (с продолжениями) написано автором, имеющим мировую известность не меньше, чем у Шора с Лори и командой.
10. Автор этого произведения настолько приглянулся Шору, что в одном из сезонов "Хауса" целая серия была посвящена этому Автору, которого Хаус спасает от неминуемой смерти. И хеппи-энд отмечается обещанием, что Автор начнет сериал про нашего Героя.
Подсказка: Автора зовут "Роб" (сокращенно) или что-то вроде этого.
- Как зовут Героя, описанного в условиях?
- В какой серии какого сезона Хаус спасает жизнь Автору?
воскресенье, 14 декабря 2014
Come join
house_memories for daily photos and other fun stuff!
I tried to reach the owner of this comm and got no response. So, today was my last post here. There are things I want to do but can't do here. Tomorrow I will start the daily posts, puzzle and other fun activities at the new comm. I hope you'll join me there.

I tried to reach the owner of this comm and got no response. So, today was my last post here. There are things I want to do but can't do here. Tomorrow I will start the daily posts, puzzle and other fun activities at the new comm. I hope you'll join me there.

House: The answer is listeria. I’m starting you on amp and gent.
Foreman: So you’re basing this theory on the tests being negative and your rat being healthy?
House: And the fact that Legionnaire’s is helping you.
Foreman: But the medicine you wanna give me will put an end to that.
House: Yeah.
Foreman: And if it’s not listeria all the gent will do is cure the Legionnaire’s Disease and put whatever is killing me back into overdrive.
House: Stop asking me questions based on the premise that I’m wrong. The antibiotics are in the airlock.
Foreman: I think the first biopsy didn’t give us the answer because you didn’t go deep enough. I want you to do a white matter brain biopsy.
House: Absolutely. Don’t blame you. The world is such a complicated place if you’ve got higher reasoning skills. I’m often jealous of smaller animals and retarded children. Take the antibiotics.
Foreman: There can be minimal damage if it’s done right. If the surgeons drill where I tell them to drill.
House: One slip, you could spend the rest of your life not being able to keep your drool in your mouth.
Foreman: I’d rather be disabled than dead.
House: Sure, I make it look oh-so-sexy. It’s actually not as glamorous as you may think.
Foreman: The biopsy will tell us for sure what’s wrong.
House: The antibiotics could do the same thing!
Foreman: Could! Not will.
House: We try it, we see!
Foreman: The antibiotics will bring back the pain!
House: Pain makes us make bad decisions. Fear of pain is almost as big a motivator. Now look, we still have time. I will do that biopsy if I have to, but not a moment before.
Autopsy (Part 2), S2
суббота, 13 декабря 2014

House: Cullen's sign. But the ultrasound showed air as well as blood. Now, I know what you're thinking. Hemorrhagic pancreatitis. But I also know what I'm thinking. Doesn't explain the pneuomoperitoneum.
Adams: You took a new case?
Park: You ran tests yourself?
House: I saw the chance to help someone in need, and I instinctively — Oh, no, wait, that was someone else's instinct.
Taub: Wilson is dying. Your parole officer is probably on his way here right now. How are you possibly in a good mood?
House: Did you never see Dead Poets Society? Carpe diem.
Adams: Air in his abdomen could mean blah, blah, blah. Blah?
Taub: But blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Park: Blah. Blah, blah.
Everybody Dies, S8
пятница, 12 декабря 2014

AMBER: Why'd you call me?
HOUSE: Because if I pooped myself in front of Wilson, I'd never hear the end of it.
AMBER: But why not one of the others?
HOUSE: You always had that phone in your hand.
AMBER: We all have cell phones. That's not the reason. What is?
HOUSE: If I died, you'd never get the job. I knew you wouldn't let that happen.
AMBER: You don't think anybody else has any reason to care?
97 Seconds, S4
четверг, 11 декабря 2014
I have attempted to contact the owner of this comm several times and have not received a response. She has not posted anything on LJ since 2012. Does anyone know her personally? I would love to take over this comm and do some more with it. Can you help me? I really want to keep the House love going.

Sebastian: [takes Cameron’s hand]Thank you. [House notices the cozy scene and decides to intervene.]
House: You want third-world treatment? [turns up the thermostat] You got it. Boy, is it hot here in Jani!
Cameron: What are you doing?
House: What am I doing? [He knocks all of Sebastian’s things off of the tray of the bed.] Putting everything on the floor of the hut. Uh oh, wicked magic box with the moving pictures!
Cameron: You think he’s a hypocrite?
House: [unplugging the TV] Hypocrite? No, everyone in Africa’s got cell phones or running water. [Speaking of cell phones, it just got dropped in the toilet. It’s a tight fit, though, so House prods it down the hole with his cane.] Hah, this thing just will not flush.
Sebastian: Do you really think that if you come in here and make it a little hot, make it smell a little, that I’m just going to fold and abandon everything that matters to me?
House: [wiping his cane on Sebastian’s blanket] Lousy sanitation over there, too. You are not the same as them; your life is not the same. And you are cheapening everything they’re going through by pretending you are.
Sebastian: I am the same, I’m not special.
House: You can’t demand to be treated like any third-world sick person and call a press conference!
Sebastian: They treat me special! That doesn’t mean I am! Now what kind of selfish jerk wouldn’t take advantage of that fact?
TB Or Not TB, S2
среда, 10 декабря 2014

Cuddy : Um... France. And not Paris or the Rivera, but there's this place in Normandy. It's on a... a tidal island. Everyone who's not staying in one of the small inns has to leave before the tide comes in. You have this 900-year-old fortress all to yourself. It's called...
House : Mont Saint-Michel?
Cuddy : That's it. Have you been there?
House : Nope. But I got a pretty good idea what it looks like. [He turns the computer toward her, taps a button and the screen is filled with a picture of Mont Saint-Michel.]
Cuddy : H–how did you know?
House : You used to have a picture of it as a screensaver.
Cuddy : That was years ago.
House : I guess it's a memorable place. [turns the computer toward himself again] Now, unfortunately, we can't fly straight to Normandy, but the layover in London's only a couple of hours.
Cuddy : What are you talking about?
House : It's all there. [shows her a screen of travel information] All you gotta do is click confirm, and we're eating croissant and being insulted by stinky people this time tomorrow. Don't worry. I used Wilson's credit card.
Cuddy : I can't.
House : I'm kidding. I used your credit card.
Cuddy : House...
House : The hospital does not need your body. I do.
Cuddy : So does my daughter.
House : Well, she can come too. Or to grandmother's house she can go.
Cuddy : This is crazy.
House : [His face starts to get the closed, guarded look it usually has.] So...you break off your engagement, but you won't adjust your schedule.
Cuddy : I can't. Not... tomorrow. But... two weekends from now. If Rachel's gonna stay with my mom, I'm gonna need a little bit of prep time.
House : [His face softens and he smiles slightly.] Okay.
Now What?, S7
вторник, 09 декабря 2014

[Cameron walks in, she's in scrubs.]
Cameron: Wegener's would have responded to the steroids.
Chase: Maybe you should go home, take the rest of the day. [He puts a hand on her shoulder, she shrugs it off.]
Cameron: I'm fine.
[House looks at them speculatively.]
House: Oh this is good, he's pretending to care, you're pretending not to.
Cameron: I think we should reconsider drugs. Kalvin uses crystal meth.
House: Concerned enough about his health to stalk me while indulging in deadly street drugs. [Takes a vicodin.] Study in contradictions. Interesting. Still not medically relevant.
Cameron: It could be, if his drugs were tainted. They cook meth with battery acid, lye, lantern fuel...
House: Find Kalvin's pills, test for toxins.
Hunting, S2
понедельник, 08 декабря 2014

Cuddy: You are who you are. It's annoying, but... it's not your fault. It isn't about you. I… I… I'm sorry.
House: Because you were doing this job perfectly until the baby came along.
Cuddy: What? I'm apologizing. Can't you just accept my —
House: I accept. We gonna have to do this dance again in 28 days?
Cuddy: What the hell is wrong with you?
House: Yesterday, you hate me. Today, you're practically weeping on my shoulder. I can only assume that what I'm hearing is your 'Aunt Flo' telling me...
The Greater Good, S5
воскресенье, 07 декабря 2014

Cuddy: It’s legal.
House: He’s out of his mind! Yesterday he was giggling about a hole in a guy’s head.
Cuddy: Then hire a laywer and challenge it. In the mean time, Cameron’s in charge.
Rodney: Why would he sign that?
Cameron: It’s nothing personal, Mr. Foreman.
Rodney: My son doesn’t trust me – how exactly is that not personal?
Cameron: I’m sorry.
House: You’re sorry? You’re talking about this man’s son. You’re denying him the right to be a part of –
Cuddy: Oh, shut up, House. If you want to do the biopsy, do the biopsy. If House tries to interfere, let me know and I will take care of it.
Cameron: Yeah, you’re a hero. If it wasn’t for you, we’d be cutting into a dead guy’s head instead of Foreman’s. Sorry. Thanks.
[Cut to House and Cameron leaving the clinic.]
House: That was great!
Cameron: It was rude and unnecessary.
House: Yeah.
Cameron: Go away.
House: Give me time.
Cameron: We’re out of time.
Euphoria (Part Two). S2
суббота, 06 декабря 2014

House: What do you think? Red thongs? I think red thongs. ‘Kay…
[House takes out a credit card.]
House: Twenty bucks says I can get through this door in twenty seconds.
Chase: You’re on.
Foreman: Count me in.
[Chase takes out his watch to time House. House bends down, moves a planter, and finds key underneath it. House grins and Chase and Foreman get out their wallets. House opens the door and Chase and Foreman file in, each handing him a twenty.]
Humpty Dumpty, S2
пятница, 05 декабря 2014

House: Loss of hair color indicates an autoimmune condition, likely Grave's disease. Hyperthyroidism leads to a hypercoagulable state, which causes thrombosis. Start him on antithyroids.
Adams: You want to reject our current diagnosis because he had a few gray hairs, panicked, and shaved his head?
[House tries to stuff one more candy bar into the cup, but it does not fit, so he puts the last candy bar back, then puts the lid on the cup]
House: I want to reject our current diagnosis because I think we're wrong. And treating for wrong diagnoses can result in side effects like death.
Taub: Even if he did full go gray, stress seems way more likely than Grave's.
House: I haven't read any journal articles proving that veterans have a higher incidence of depigmentation. Of course, that could be the hepatic encephalopathy talking.
Chase: Our treatment for Bernard Soulier hasn't had time—
House: So you all just want to ignore the new symptom?
Adams: It's not Grave's because it's not a symptom at all. And the antithyroids you want could reduce his blood pressure and his ability to breathe. Which can result in side effects, like death.
[House has arrived at the cashier station. He pretends to be sipping from the straw in the drink cup as he pays for his purchase]
House: (to the cashier) Small soda. Grave's it is. Start him on antithyroids.
Blowing The Whistle, S8