I had the idea of sending Hugh a Christmas card and thought that others might have the same idea. So, why not join forces and send him one big package?
How we would go about it is that everybody would have the possibility to send a Christmas card or small present for Hugh to me. I would collect everything, put it together and send it on to his agent (either in LA or in London) as one big package. It would also be possible to send him a message that I could compile into a small scrapbook. This way people would only have to e-mail a message, instead of mailing something.
I know there's not a lot of time, since the deadline for me to have everything would have to be December 10 at the latest. But I can assure you it's a lot of fun. I've organized something similar before for Scott Patterson's birthday (Gilmore Girls) and we actually got a reply from Scott (see the project here). Not that I am expecting anything from Hugh, but we had a lot of messages from all over the world and I think it would be a wonderful way of wishing Hugh a great Christmas and thank him for everything he's given us.
How to:
If you want to send Hugh a message, you can send it to: [email protected] I will compile all messages into a Christmas scrapbook. Be sure to add your name (first name is enough and country).
If you want to send Hugh a Christmas card or small present, you will have to mail it to me first. You can contact me about the details for that through the same email address: [email protected]. Posters on FanForum can obviously contact me by PM as well. Note: Put your card for Hugh in an envelope addressed to Hugh and put that envelope in one addressed to me.
Deadline for this is December 10! Which means I will have to have all messages and such by that date. Allow up to a week for snail mail to be delivered internationally, so you're deadline to mail me stuff would be December 3!
Official Thread with the latest updates can be found on the Hugh Laurie board at FanForum.
Btw, I am sorry if you read this more than once, but I just wanna make sure every Hugh fan here knows about it. So, be sure to spread the word!
Should fans want to help out with the costs of this project, you can make a donation with PayPal to pinkpaisley @ hotmail.com